Our Approach

What makes us feel super human? Hitting a PR? Finally mastering a handstand? Doing your first pull-up? Helping a loved one who’s in a pickle?

Or maybe it’s when you’ve had a headache for 3 days straight and just don’t have the patience. Or you find yourself awake, staring at the ceiling in the middle of the night, even though you’ve been yawning all day. Maybe you can’t quite get comfortable, even in your favorite chair.

Being super human is being our strongest, smartest, most flexible, and most capable. Being super human is also our most frustrated, most vulnerable, most overwhelmed, most imperfect, and our most scared selves.

Super human therapy is kind, compassionate, and helps you unlock the super-powers you didn’t know you had.

Bottom line: our incentives are your incentives. Our goals are your goals.

What Makes Us Different.

SuperHuman is a one-on-one physical therapy and movement practice. There will never be any divided attention or rushing through treatment. Every visit is an hour long, uninterrupted session with your practitioner.

Unlike other clinics where it is standard practice to overload therapists in order to hit productivity goals, at SuperHuman, we prioritize quality of treatment. Taking a holistic approach, we analyze the body from a wide angle, and then we zoom in to the area of interest. We can treat from head to toe, and we don’t skip anything (ahem - pelvic floor) in between. We can even analyze and treat the movement of the abdominal and pelvic organs (see visceral mobilization page for more info) which can have a big impact the rest of the body.

We have Pilates, yoga, and specialized movement training that can even take you into the air depending on what your goals are.

Thankfully, at SuperHuman, if a patient/client comes in and their symptoms have moved to another region of the body, or for whatever reason our focus needs to shift, we are flexible. We will communicate with your referring provider (not necessary for a first visit) to make sure your healthcare team is entirely in the loop.


The SuperHuman Model

  • 90 minute initial evaluation and treatment

  • 60 minute follow-up appointments, with 100% one-on-one care with your PT. We never double book our patients

  • Private treatment rooms are always available 

  • You and your PT (not your insurance) decide what rehab plan works best for you

Our personal approach to Physical Therapy

Traditional Physical Therapy Model

  • As short as 30 minute initial evaluations

  • 30-60 minute follow-up appointments. Patient’s are often double or tipple booked with other patients with potentially NO one-on-one time with your PT

  • Crowded gym, limited privacy

  • Insurance has the final say in what services a patient will receive, and for how many visits


We do not bill insurance. When a clinic relies on insurance reimbursement, then they are also confined by the rules and restrictions that insurance carriers deem “appropriate.” Unfortunately, this means shortened visits, and limited ability for the PT to adjust their treatment as the needs of the patient change. This is due to decisions being made by a corporation that only sees patients as potential for profit, rather than humans with varying needs.

Let’s Find your Superpowers